Eco Research took part once again this year in the science popularisation festival “Le Mille e una Scienza” (The Thousand and One Science), organised in Bolzano by TesLab (youth culture centre of the Arciragazzi Bolzano Bozen APS Association) and the science popularisation association Accatagliato, with the contribution of the Office for Youth Policies of the Province of Bolzano in collaboration with the Office for Scientific Research. The festival, held from 9 to 12 November 2023 and aimed especially at children and young people, offered a journey into science and research with various initiatives and appointments held by researchers, lecturers and science popularizers.
Eco Research participated in this edition of the festival together with South Tyrol’s main research institutions (Eurac Research, Unibz, Noi Techpark Alto Adige, Natural Science Museum, Fraunhofer Italia, Laimburg – Centro di sperimentazione, Planetarium Alto Adige), specifically proposing a free-access workshop for children/youths aged 5-18 on Saturday 11 November at Mareccio Castle (Bolzano). As part of the workshop entitled ‘The invisible challenge: Let’s clean the air”, participants could learn how to identify the pollutants that can be found inside buildings (including in our homes and classrooms), their effects on our health and the main sources of release of these pollutants, see in action the scientific instruments and technologies that detect and measure the substances in the air around us, but also learn about those daily actions and new habits that can make a big difference in improving air quality and preserving a healthy living environment. This is also thanks to games and information materials created specifically on this topic.
The festival was an opportunity for the world of science and citizenship to meet, bringing complex topics within the reach of children and families, and confirming once again how valuable these moments are for fostering the spread of scientific culture and stimulating observation and curiosity from an early age.
The information brochure produced for this event can be downloaded here.