Eco Research collaborates on research projects with the aim to:
- Create the first provincial platform for the isotope analysis of heavy elements (87Sr/86Sr) for the certification of origin of local food products and timber;
- Characterize water cycles at the basin level and in agriculture applying light element isotope analysis (δ2H, δ18O).
Within these projects, Eco Research takes care of the following aspects:
- Analytical support to the conceptualization and design of research activities in collaboration with the other research partners;
- Method development, validation and application for the analysis of light (δ2H, δ18O) and heavy (87Sr/86Sr) element isotope ratio in different types of matrix (e.g. vegetable samples, timber, soil, water);
- Multi-chemical analysis, combining multi-isotope analysis to the multi-element analysis;
- Data analysis and elaboration;
- Development of traceability and authenticity models based on the multi-chemical approach;
- Result dissemination.
- Result dissemination.