Sparkasse – Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano becomes a supporting partner of Eco Research

Pictured from left to right are Werner Tirler (Director of Eco Research), Lucia Piva (President of Eco Research), Sergio Ziller (Corporate Advisor Sparkasse) and Daniela Vitali (Head of ESG & Sustainability, Sparkasse Group).

The 30th of May 2024 was a very important day for Eco Research: in fact, the membership of Sparkasse – Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano as supporting partner was made official.

The support guaranteed by Sparkasse – Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano is not only of a financial nature, but it also represents a prestigious local acknowledgement of Eco Research as a research institution and, therefore, of the importance of the scientific and educational activities it carries out for the benefit of the population and companies in South Tyrol.

‘We are always happy to support research and innovation, especially through important territorial partnerships such as the one with Eco Research. This is consistent with the commitments made in the new Horizon 2026 business plan to support the territory,’ comments Sparkasse CEO and Managing Director Nicola Calabrò.

‘Sparkasse’s support will allow us to continue to realise the objectives of our 2023-2025 research programme, which has as its focus the study and deepening of issues related to sustainability and the circular economy in conjunction with constant training activities aimed at all age groups of the local population, in order to encourage a widespread dissemination of these values, so that they become a concrete way of life,’ says Eco Research President, Lucia Piva.

‘Environmental sustainability is a goal that requires the collaboration of different actors. For Sparkasse, supporting the Centre’s activities means making a substantial contribution to the sustainable transformation of the territory and its economy. Making an area more sustainable and its economy more circular requires that the worlds of science and business work together to produce tangible benefits for the life and health of people and the environment. The results of research centres must be translated into action by companies with increasingly innovative and sustainable products and processes,’ adds Daniela Vitali, Head of ESG & Sustainability at Sparkasse Group.

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